It’s almost 2021! We made it! We really miss seeing all of you in person, and hopefully sometime next year that will change, but for now we will continue the online meetings.
The first meeting of 2021 will be on Jan 6th at 7pm. We’re starting 2021 with a panel of our very own Homebrewers talking about recipe design. Annie, Nikolaj, Frank and possibly another will go over how they approach recipe design and then open up for questions.
Duels are still largely on hold, but Andrew does still have a homebrew cooler on his porch if anyone wants to drop off and pick up some beer. If you don’t know where he lives but want to swap some beer, just send him a message on Slack.
After some announcements we’ll check in on everyone’s brew year’s resolutions and see what people are drinking and brewing lately.
Here’s the zoom meeting info
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 977 2163 0249
Passcode: cheers