Our next club meeting will be on Wednesday March 3rd at 7pm. We will have Jesse from Chainline Brewing joining us to talk about Maibock (and Marzen). I (Andrew) first heard about Jesse when he was one of the panelists for last year’s Homebrew Con lager talk and the Maibock he makes in collab with Georgetown and Lowercase is damn good. I don’t think it’s available right now but please try to support them and grab some beer if you can.
Duels are still largely on hold, but Andrew does still have a homebrew cooler on his porch if anyone wants to drop off and pick up some beer. If you don’t know where he lives but want to swap some beer, just send him a message on Slack or Facebook.
After some announcements we’ll check in on what people are drinking and brewing lately.
Here’s the zoom meeting info
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 928 752 6666
Passcode: 1619